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                     About Us

                         Since 1997

Precise Marketing, Inc. founded back in 1997, is the parent company of Precise Asset Locators. We were then and still are now a diverse information company providing vital intelligence solutions to investigative professionals, the legal industry, debt collectors and large and small corporations.


The demand for our results oriented asset locating service has increased tremendously over the years prompting  the decision to operate Precise Asset Locators as a wholly owned subsidiary of Precise Marketing Inc.

We use databases as a starting point to gather the initial information required to conduct our specialized, deep, hands on financial research. The proprietary research methods we employ gives us the ability to locate bank and/or brokerage accounts anywhere in the USA or Canada.

Pricing is very competitive with discounts for bulk ordering. Our turn around time is the fastest in the industry

We are a licensed collection agency however we limit our business activities to locating money, finding debtors and their place of employment. These specialized services are offered to other collection professionals.


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